top 10 schools in gorakhpur (3)

Unleash Potential: 3 Reasons This Top CBSE School Stands Out

In the heart of Gorakhpur, there exists a beacon of educational brilliance: Academic Global School, proudly standing as the Best CBSE School In Gorakhpur. Beyond the conventional realms of education, this institution has carved a niche for itself, consistently setting benchmarks that reflect its commitment to nurturing young minds. Let's delve into...

Academic Global School · 07 February · 2

The Fusion of Technology and Education: Creating a Dynamic Learning Environment

The use of technology in our education has transformed the way we learn, providing a dynamic and interactive learning environment. Technology has provided new opportunities for pupils to explore and has made learning more entertaining, efficient, and...

Academic Global School · 12 May 2023 · 47

Importance Of Creating An Inviting School Environment For Students

It will be a terrifying idea if we think of the universe without friendship. Human connections are an integral part of our life’s foundation. Not only does it influences us and introduce us to things that we have never encountered before, but it also makes us feel secure and loved when we interact with the world. No matter who the individual...

Academic Global School · 24 December 2022 · 15